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COLOVE Store Update 5.3 is out
COLOVE Store Update 5.3 is out
by on 23.04.2024

COLOVE Recordings Team Introduces Version 5.3 Site Update: A Plethora of Improvements and Additions. The COLOVE Recordings development team is thrilled to announce the release of our latest website update, version 5.3! Just a short while after launching update 5.2, which you can read about here, we’re back with an even more substantial update focused on optimizations and enhancing stability.

What’s New in Version 5.3

👨‍🔧 General Fixes and Enhancements!

  • Improved Quick Actions: Fixed issues with buttons directing focus to various page objects or sections.
  • Button Heights: Adjusted the height of the ‘Add to Wishlist’ button to match the ‘Add to Cart’ button on the main product page.
  • Bonus Items Display: Rectified an error where bonus items from a particular category wouldn’t appear in the cart if the total exceeded $30.
  • Player Buttons: Fixed a bug where repeated clicks on the play/pause button would no longer replay the track.
  • Free Products: Resolved an issue where all free products wouldn’t load, and their metadata wasn’t being marked. Now everything works seamlessly, and we’ll be adding more freebies more frequently.

🖼️ Frontend Fixes!

  • Main Slider: Fixed an issue where reopening the homepage wouldn’t initialize the product promo slider until the user clicked on the screen.
  • Reviewer Page: Optimized and added a new ‘Top Products’ block with a button that redirects you to a page featuring all our top-rated products, curated based on your preferences.
  • Footer Optimization: Revamped the site footer and made various optimizations for mobile devices to ensure better spacing and smaller gaps between blocks.

⏯️ Player Enhancements!

  • Core Player: Improved track playback responsiveness and accuracy. Free products in the footer player now display a special tag indicating their free status and include a quick link to the product page.
  • Main Product Page: Added various indicators and optimizations for a more stable and faster user experience.

🖥️ Design Updates!

  • Main Product Blocks: Enhanced the main product blocks for music and sound products with new logos and a more pleasant visual style.

☝🏻 Additional Features!

  • Cryptocurrency Payment: Added support for a new cryptocurrency payment system.
  • Label Filtering: Implemented a feature where clicking on a label in mini product blocks filters the view to display only products from that specific company or label.

We’re committed to continually improving our platform to provide you with the best experience possible. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting features coming your way soon!

If you come across any issues or have ideas, feel free to reach out to us through the feedback form. Thank you for being a part of the COLOVE Recordings community.